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Something about me ...

My name's Riaz Habibullah Khimany. I've been using the net since the summer of '95, and during my travels on Net I've made a few friends and learned a lot. I wanted to make a homepage to help introduce me and my interests to the people I meet during my travels.

You can find me on mIRC. I join UNDERNET Servers with a nick R|aZ. I used to be an OP at #pakistan and recently we also have a channel for Ismailies on Undernet (#ismailies). One of my latest ismaili portfolio is Ismaili Point.com. Interested people are requested to visit the channel and the site to enjoy chatting with Ismailies all over the World. You can also find me on MSN. My MSN address is riaz@khimany.com.

Wanna learn more???

I was born and raised in Pakistan. I've lived my entire life in the province of Sind, the heart city of Pakistan, i.e Karachi. I am from a Well-Known Community of Ismailis. I'm a 25 years old (I am not old though LOL), and have recently graduated from Dalhousie Univeristy where my major was Computer Science. With my degree course I have also done CNA (Certified Novel Administrator), Linux Administration, and Windows NT (MCSE two tracks) courses.

I am inprocess of establishing a web-designing, software development PLUS network support business. Check the details out next time you visit my site again.

If you have any comments regarding my home-page, please drop me a note. Thanks!

Copyright 2002-2003 Riaz Khimany. All Rights Reserved!